Below you'll find answers to some behind the scene questions we get asked the most about :)

First we sit down where you have a chance to discuss all the details about your project. We will touch topics like complexity, timing, equipment to use and budget. Uaualy here we will start brainstorming to make sure you hear some options you probably did not even think of.
Absolutely. We have deep connections with another countries and always hired to work on larger projects.
Though we upload most of the videos to our website, in some cases we are not allowed to do that. So checking the website is not the only way to see what projects we have worked on. During our meatting you have a chance to see even more examples.
Not anymore. Hopefully we can still give you direction who to get help from. We are sometimes still involved in the post productions services. Maybe we can even give you Harrison Ford's number :). Not joking.
Ezt nem mi szeretnénk megítélni. Mondjuk úgy, igyekszünk a megrendelőink kedvében járni, és olyan anyagot készíteni amire büszkék lehetnek évek múlva is.
Not anymore. A Demo Reel would only show the best of the best without any progression. Which is not really real, and doesn't mean anything. Others do it, we don't.
It is true, that we have really great competition out there. We know most of them and we help each other where we can. We feel, we have to support all of them and don't think of them as enemies. This is the only way to live life properly and we hope we reap what we sow.
Well. We changed the quote around a bit. There are only two things certain in life. You will watch "Home Alone" at Christmas and Christiano will always score. Unfortunately the success of your videos doesn't belong to here :). Though we guarantee if there is anything that is missing from the final video or you are not satisfied, we will not run away. If there is any mistake by us that requires changes, it will definitely be free. In addition, if you change your mind and need a smaller change, we are sure that the originally agreed price won't change.
Because it won't be logical to show package prices. Every project requires different equipment and post production services.
That is what we were just talking. It depends on where to film, interior or exterior, how many camcorders, how many extras, actor needed, who provides the location, do you need voice over? Do you need any animation? How many? What market is it going to? What's the deadline? Who's making the script? Do you need drones or any other special equipment? Permits? We could continue forever...
False. Actually sometimes the opposite is true. We might charge a little more than the new solo companies without routine, or the ones that use pirated softwares, but we constantly work on finding the right clients who trusts us and not only concentrating on the cheapest option. You only pay what you order. We don't sell services you do not need. We simply trust that you will come back to us, like the others partners.
As a video service provider it would be very strange nowadays to use papers for something that can be substituted by digital options. Most of the time we work online. Like agreements, work stages, changes in the edits, invoices, payments, etc. Everything is encrypted as the current law it requires.
Very simple. We couldn't register back then as it was already taken. So we had to stick to this one :). True story.
We do suggest that 1 month before the planned finished date of your project, please contact us, so your chances are bigger to get the work done by us. Just click here and send a short message to us.
In the case of a project that has minimal pre-production, you can contact us even in the last 24 hours. For sure, we won't be offended :).


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We created our company in order to finish all projects
in time , with sticking to the agreed budget and with the best available quality.

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